藝術家 Artist

李屏宜 Li Ping-Yi 1985-

海波浪 Wave
Light The Way
徐徐 Gentle breeze
On My Way Home
禾曦 Shining rice
稻香好時 Fragrant Paddy
星夜海 The Starry Night ,The Starry Sea
人之島 Pongso no Tao / Orchid Island
Moonlight sea
青清晨 Green morning
朵朵 Blossoming
月亮真美 The moon is beautiful
藍藍海 Blue blue ocean
初陽 First dawn
鯪鯉醺醺 Tipsy Pangolin
蘭壽-富麗双方 Lanshou - rich and beautiful
紳士與嬌嬌 Lady and Gentleman
奶油咪咪 Cream Mimi
月桃仕女 Shell ginger with Pretty lady
Shell lady-deep sea
Shell lady- midnight
Shell Lady - Lazy
Shell Lady - Sleepy
Shell Lady - Shy
Bring you a little red flower
月桃鯪鯉 Alpinia pangolin
海月 Placuna
蘭壽-環嬛 Lanshou - Huan Huan
蘭壽-金水 Lanshou - goldwater
蘭壽-藝妓 Rancho - Geisha
蘭壽-淚光閃閃 Lanshou - Tears shining
蘭壽-媚娘 Lanshou - Mei niang
蘭壽-煙花泡泡 Lanshou - Fireworks bubble
蘭壽-紅唇瑄瑄 Lanshou - Red lips
海波浪 Wave
Light The Way
徐徐 Gentle breeze
On My Way Home
禾曦 Shining rice
稻香好時 Fragrant Paddy
星夜海 The Starry Night ,The Starry Sea
人之島 Pongso no Tao / Orchid Island
Moonlight sea
青清晨 Green morning
朵朵 Blossoming
月亮真美 The moon is beautiful
藍藍海 Blue blue ocean
初陽 First dawn
鯪鯉醺醺 Tipsy Pangolin
蘭壽-富麗双方 Lanshou - rich and beautiful
紳士與嬌嬌 Lady and Gentleman
奶油咪咪 Cream Mimi
月桃仕女 Shell ginger with Pretty lady
Shell lady-deep sea
Shell lady- midnight
Shell Lady - Lazy
Shell Lady - Sleepy
Shell Lady - Shy
Bring you a little red flower
月桃鯪鯉 Alpinia pangolin
海月 Placuna
蘭壽-環嬛 Lanshou - Huan Huan
蘭壽-金水 Lanshou - goldwater
蘭壽-藝妓 Rancho - Geisha
蘭壽-淚光閃閃 Lanshou - Tears shining
蘭壽-媚娘 Lanshou - Mei niang
蘭壽-煙花泡泡 Lanshou - Fireworks bubble
蘭壽-紅唇瑄瑄 Lanshou - Red lips



"Flourishing" - Meaning the image of luxuriant, tender, growing grass that resembles the state in which I create works of art.

All creative concepts originated from my hometown, where every story of my life including personal memories to taste preference, being a pet owner to plant grower, forming collecting habit to the spirit of imagination are noted in my works.

​In “Thoreau's Country: Journey through a Transformed Landscape”, David R. Foster wrote that men only believe to “embark on a journey” when they are hundreds or even thousands of miles away. However, he questions why one cannot start their journey at home. Or do men have to make the effort to travel afar just to find novel things?

When creative ideas are born from our everyday life and we learn to discover our daily surroundings, it can be a source to enrich human mind.

In order to deal with different qualities of living beings, I try to change their forms by adopting the pharming method used in botany, to match my imagination and combine with those that are not existent in reality. Then, make the effort to change the structure of the actual world and mix into a different material to produce new vision effect as well as meaning.

Through imagination, I recombine and create a new mixture of living things like plants with animals and available items with plants. To expand the concept of “coexisting with nature”, one starts to experience the real world, use daily items and combine materials into non-existent things that can demonstrate diverse biosphere. The combination of human imagination and nature can be quite interesting and simple.

As for creating woodcut paintings, I indulge (or addict) to every knife- cutting, the contrasting colors in oil painting, the beat of a scroll till its complete. For me, each step is a consistent and gradual self-training. I tend to create subtle change of colors and carefully build serenity but with liveliness to bring out the vitality of animals and plants in my paintings, so that the audience may gather a warm and comfortable feeling. This form of colors is a completely new attempt that is different from what is stressed in traditional woodcut paintings.

My works are influenced by small surrounding scenery and feelings. Yet, I hope this kind of sensation can gradually expand, spread so that every person who sees my work can find peace in their heart. That is happiness to me. Similar to Henri Matisse’s expectation for Art, he wrote that his impression of Art is balance, pure, serene, with no restless or depressed theme in it. This kind of art can comfort all people, whether they are writers or clerks. It also allows people to rest and regain their strength, like sitting on ‘the chair of euthanasia’, which I seek to achieve in my art pieces.

1985 出生


2011 國立台北藝術大學美術創作研究所版畫組

2007 國立高雄師範大學美術學系



2021 「微光隱露」李屏宜個展,堤頂之星王道銀行,台北,台灣

2020 「曖日」李屏宜個展,金車藝文中心,台北,台灣

2015 「苒苒」2015李屏宜個展,乙皮畫廊,花蓮,台灣

2011 「培植─非自然的自然圈 李屏宜創作個展」,典藏創意空間,台北,台灣



2022  寄情與召喚-池上藝術村駐村聯展,池上穀倉藝術館,台東

 2021  花蓮跳浪藝術節,花蓮石雕博物館,花蓮


2020 「花蓮縣109年度新銳策展計畫—山.海.共生」,花蓮縣文化局美術館,花蓮,台灣


2019 「泰國國際版畫素描三年展」,曼谷藝術文化中心,曼谷,泰國

2017 「法國版畫三年展」,巴黎,法國

2016 「紐文25週年《版面對話—臺美版畫交流展》」,美國紐約臺灣書院,美國


2015 「版上的雲」,伊日藝術,台北,台灣

2014 「台灣木版畫─現在進行式」,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣


2012 「磚切希望──十人聯展」,乙皮畫廊,花蓮,台灣


2011 「SKY──亞洲版╳圖展」,關渡美術館,台北,台灣







2023  Kogei Art Fair,首都藝術中心展位620,Hyatt Centric Kanazawa,金澤,日本

          Bank Art Fair,首都藝術中心展位,SETEC,首爾,韓國

          Art Taipei 台北國際藝術博覽會,首都藝術J07展位,台北世貿一館,台北,台灣

          Unknown Asia Art Fair,首都藝術中心展位,大阪,日本


          One Art Taipei,首都藝術中心展位,台北,台灣

2022  One Art Taipei 藝術台北,首都藝術展間,西華飯店,台北,台灣

2021  One Art Taipei 藝術台北,首都藝術展間1516,西華飯店,台北,台灣


2020  Art Kaohsiung 2020 高雄藝術博覽會,Room 256首都藝術中心,城市商旅,高雄,台灣

         Art Formosa 2020 福爾摩沙藝術博覽會,首都藝術中心展位,誠品行旅,台北,台灣

         Art Taichung 台中藝術博覽會,首都藝術中心展位,台中,台灣

         ONE ART TAIPEI 藝術台北,台北,台灣

2019 ART KAOHSIUNG高雄藝術博覽會,高雄,台灣

         ONE ART TAIPEI 藝術台北,台北,台灣

2018 Art Tainan 台南藝術博覽會,台南,台灣

2015 YOUNG ART TAIPEI 台北國際當代藝術博覽會,台北,台灣

2014 YOUNG ART TAIPEI 台北國際當代藝術博覽會,台北,台灣

2013 2013上海藝術博覽會,上海,中國

 ART KAOHSIUNG 2013 高雄藝術博覽會,高雄,台灣

 2013 YOUNG ART TAIPEI 台北國際當代藝術博覽會,台北,台灣

2012 第十五屆北京國際藝術博覽會──台灣.花蓮--山海情,北京,中國


2022 「高雄獎」首獎,高雄市立美術館,高雄,台灣

2018 「泰國國際版畫素描三年展」入選,曼谷藝術文化中心,曼谷,泰國

2012 「中華民國第十五屆國際版畫雙年展」入選,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣

2011 「台中市第十六屆大墩美展」版畫類第二名,台中市政府文化局,台中,台灣

2010 「國立台灣美術館99年度青年藝術家作品購藏計畫」,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣


2009 「第七十二屆台陽美展」入選,台陽美術協會,台北,台灣


2019 文化部「藝術銀行」購藏計畫,台中,台灣

2017 花蓮縣文化局106年度「跨視域─典藏新貌展」,花蓮,台灣

2016 文化部「藝術銀行」購藏計畫,台中

2014 文化部「藝術銀行」購藏計畫,台中

2011 SKY──亞洲版╳圖展,關渡美術館,台北,台灣

2010 2010國立台灣美術館青年藝術家作品典藏,台中,台灣

Born 1985


2011 M.F.A Program, Dept. of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts (Majored in Printmaking

2009 B.F.A., Dept. of Fine Arts, National Kaohsiung Normal University

Solo Exhibition

2023 {呼吸:風景  Breathing:Landscape} Li Ping-Yi Solo Exhibition, Capital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan

2021 微光隱露 Li Ping-Yi Solo Exhibition, O-Bank Education Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan

2020 曖日 Li Ping-Yi Solo Exhibition, King Car Cultural & Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan

2015 Flourishing─2015 Li Ping-Yi Solo Exhibition, iP Gallery, Hualien, Taiwan

2011 Cultivating–The Non-natural Zone of Nature, Li Ping-Yi Creative Solo Exhibition, Art & Collection Inspiration Zone, Taipei, Taiwan

2011 Li Ping-Yi Printmaking Creative Solo Exhibition, The GALLERY, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Group Exhibition

2022 Calling Forth Devotion Art Chishang Artist Residency Exhibition, Chishang Art Center, Taitung, Taiwan

2021  PALAFANG Hualien Art Festival, Hualien, Taiwan

          Break the rules - The female artsits, Capital art center, Taipei, Taiwan

2020  Sea Mountains Life - Museum of Hualian, Hualian, Taiwan 

2017  French Printmaking Triennial, Paris, France

2016  Dialogue on Printmaking-The Taiwan- US exchange exhibition, Taipei Cultural Center in New York, United States, USA

          凸‧透‧境─Contemporary print exhibition, GALERIE PIERRE, Taichung, Taiwan

2014 The Progress in Modern Taiwan Print-making: Woodcut and its variations, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan

         Spirit, Joint Painting Exhibition, iP Gallery, Hualien, Taiwan

2012 Building Hope──Joint Exhibition of Ten, iP Gallery, Hualien, Taiwan

         Seven Youth of Hualien, iP Gallery, Hualien, Taiwan

2011 SKY──Asia Plate & Print Exhibition, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan

         Emotional Unit→Mostly Printmaking Joint Exhibition, iP Gallery, Hualien, Taiwan

          Little Fantasy Printmaking Joint Exhibition, Yahon Tea & Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan

         MBmore printmaking exhibition──Summer, MBmore, Taipei, Taiwan

        Art Voyage Opening Exhibition, Danshui Fisherman's Wharf, Hushui Side Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan

2011 Clashing & Multiply─Taiwan-Korea International Print Exhibition,International Exhibition Hall, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei, Taiwan

Art Fair

2023 Kogei Art Fair,Capital Art Center Booth 620,Hyatt Centric Kanazawa,Kanazawa,Japan

          Bank Art Fair,Capital Art Center Booth,SETEC,Seoul,Korea

          Art Taipei 2023,Capital Art Center Booth J07,World Trade Center,Taipei,Taiwan

          Unknown Asia Art Fair,Capital Art Center Booth,Osaka,Japan

         Art Taichung 2023,Capital Art Center,Taichung,Taiwan

          One Art Taipei 2023,Capital Art Center,Taipei,Taiwan

2022 One Art Taipei 2022,Capital Art Center,Taipei,Taiwan

2021 One Art Taipei 2021, Capital Art Center Room 1516, The Sherwood Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan

        Art Formosa 2021, Capital Art Center Room 5005, Taipei, Taiwan

        Art Taichung 2021, Capital Art Center Room 805, Taichung, Taiwan

2020 Art Kaohsiung 2020, Capital Art Center Room 256, Taipei, Taiwan

        Art Formosa 2020, Capital Art Center Room 5005, Taipei, Taiwan

        Art Taichung 2020, Capital Art Center Room 805, Taichung, Taiwan

        ONE ART TAIPEI Art Fair, Taipei, Taiwan

2018  Art Tainan Contemporary Art Fair, Tainan, Taiwan

2015 YOUNG ART TAIPEI International Contemporary Art Fair, Taipei, Taiwan

2014 YOUNG ART TAIPEI International Contemporary Art Fair, Taipei, Taiwan

2013  2013 Shanghai Art Fair, Shanghai, China

          ART KAOHSIUNG, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

         YOUNG ART TAIPEI International Contemporary Art Fair, Taipei, Taiwan

2012 The 15th Beijing International Art Fair──Taiwan, Hualien—Affection towards Mountains and Sea, Beijing, China


2022 Kaohsiung Awards First Place Award, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

2018 The 5th Bangkok Triennale International Print and Drawing Exhibition, Bangkok Art and Culture Center, Thailand

2012 The 15th International Biennial Print Exhibition, R.O.C. National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan

2011 The 16th Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taichung City Government, Second Prize Printmaking, Taiwan

2010 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts "2010 Plan for the Collection of Works by Young Artists" National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan

 The 14th International Biennial Print Exhibition, R.O.C. National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts / Excellence Award, Taichung, Taiwan


2017 Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau "Cross-Sighting-Distribution New Look Exhibition", Hualien, Taiwan

2016 Ministry of Culture, Plan for the Collection of Art Bank, Taichung, Taiwan

2014 Ministry of Culture, Plan for the Collection of Art Bank, Taichung, Taiwan

2011 SKY──Asia Plate & Print Exhibition, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan

2010 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts "2010 Plan for the Collection of Works by Young Artists" National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan